sockeye salmon from
sustainably caught and sustainably fought
Buying sustainable seafood means making a choice to insure the well-being of our oceans, lakes, and rivers. It also means buying fish from properly managed Fisheries. Fisheries are areas where fish are caught but in-turn they encompass the state agencies that govern, research, and protect them. We need agency as it helps grow fish populations, protects and grows jobs, helps maintain a healthy ecosystem, and regulates harvest so it doesn't impact the populations of fish or the surrounding ecology.
Purchasing sustainable seafood also means you are making a stand for healthy and naturally nutrient rich seafood in our food system and in our own lives. Fish has long been the diet of humans for our bodies need Omega-3 fatty acids to live healthfully. They help prevent heart disease, they help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's, boost brain development, ease depression, enrich us with Vitamin-D, and help us with healthy skin and hair.
With true sustainable fish you are not eating seafood with growth hormones or seafood with dye added to give a "wild" look. You are eating seafood that is a part of its natural diet and ecosystem. The true way seafood has been forever.